Compute+RAM+SSD Storage 網絡優化雲端服務
IPv4 + IPv6 / 多區多節點高可用性雲 確保你的 VPS 100% 運作 / 支援快速快照及恢復 / IPv4 + IPv6 / High Availability Hot Migration Across Multi-Nodes In Multi Data Centres / Supports fast snapshots and fallbacks
接口 300Mbps,流量 1TB,之後無限流量限速 2Mbps,下月第一日重置,SSD 儲存 16G,只支援 Linux,每月付款,只限非商業用途。300Mbps interface for first 1TB, afterwards unlimited traffic at 2Mbps, reset on 1st of every month, SSD storage 16G, Linux only, Monthly payment, Non-commercial use only.
2個CPU內核,2G內存,32G SSD存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口30Mbps獨享,不限流量。2 CPU cores, 2G RAM, 32G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 30Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, unlimited traffic.
8個CPU內核,8G內存,128G SSD 存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口30Mbps獨享,不限流量。8 CPU cores, 8G RAM, 128G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 30Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, unlimited traffic.
2個CPU內核,2G內存,32G SSD 存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口50Mbps獨享,不限流量。2 CPU cores, 2G RAM, 32G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 50Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, unlimited traffic.
8個CPU內核,8G內存,128G SSD 存儲和4個IPv4+4個IPv6,靈活配置多達4台連接公網 Linux VPS,每台每IP接口160Mbps獨享,總月流量 6TB,之後 HK$0.12/GB。Total 8 CPU cores, 8G RAM, 128G SSD storage and 4 IPv4 + 4 IPv6, allowing flexible configuration of up to 4 Linux VPS on a HA cluster. All 160Mbps interfaces dedicated bandwidth, total 6TB per month traffic, extra at HK$0.12/GB.
4個CPU內核,4G內存,64G SSD存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口100Mbps獨享,不限流量,只支援 Linux,每月付款。4 CPU cores, 4G RAM, 64G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 100Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, unlimited traffic, Linux only, monthly payment.
使用 4個CPU內核,4G內存,128G SSD存儲和4個IPv4+4個IPv6,靈活配置多達4台連接公網 Linux VPS,每台每IP接口100Mbps,總月流量 3TB,之後 HK$0.12/GB。Total 4 CPU cores, 4G RAM, 128G clustered SSD storage and 4 IPv4 + 4 IPv6 addresses, allowing flexible configuration of up to 4 Linux VPS on a HA cluster. All 100Mbps interfaces, total 3TB per month traffic, extra at HK$0.12/GB.
使用8個CPU內核,8G內存,256G 本地 SSD 存儲和2個IPv4+2個IPv6,配置一或兩台連接公網 Windows 2019 或 Windows 10 VPS,每接口100Mbps獨享,總月流量 3TB,之後 HK$0.12/GB。請自攜視窗鑰匙。不支援 Linux。Total 8 CPU cores, 8G RAM, 256G local SSD storage and 2 IPv4 + 2 IPv6, allowing flexible configuration of 1 or 2 Windows 2019 or Windows 10 VPS instances on a HA cluster. All 100Mbps interfaces dedicated bandwidth, total 3TB per month traffic, extra at HK$0.12/GB. Does not include Windows license keys. Does not support Linux.
使用8個CPU內核,16G內存,256G 本地 SSD 存儲和2個IPv4+2個IPv6,配置一或兩台連接公網 Windows 2019 或 Windows 10 VPS,每接口100Mbps獨享,總月流量 3TB,之後 HK$0.12/GB。請自攜視窗鑰匙。不支援 Linux。Total 8 CPU cores, 16G RAM, 256G local SSD storage and 2 IPv4 + 2 IPv6, allowing flexible configuration of 1 or 2 Windows 2019 or Windows 10 VPS instances on a HA cluster. All 100Mbps interfaces dedicated bandwidth, total 3TB per month traffic, extra at HK$0.12/GB. Does not include Windows license keys. Does not support Linux.